Hi friends! I know it's been forever since I wrote a blog - I couldn't resist sharing these Tigger pictures with you! This was by far the best Halloween I've ever had. We spent the evening with our wonderful friends who moved down this summer from Massachusetts. Their girls are Zaiya's big sisters now - he absolutely adores them so going trick or treating with them made his Halloween very special! I think every aspect of Zaiya's personality is pictured here... so enjoy!
Happy Tigger!
Hilarious, badass Tigger!
Little brother Tigger!
Too cute for words Tigger!
Contemplative Tigger
Fascinated Tigger!
Grumpy (for reasons none of us could figure out) Tigger!

The highlight of the evening for me was watching Zaiya hand out treats to the trick-or-treaters... he was so sweet giving out the candy and saying, "Happy Halloween!" after every "Here you go!" He finally got bored with this, however, and ended up standing in front of them while I gave out candy and saying, "I have STRIPES!" This night was one of my happiest of the year and I'm very thankful to have such close friends so close by who helped make it so memorable!
Happy Halloween!!