Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Catching Up!

I do realize that I am 4 months overdue for these images and I do apologize.  There will be more recent pics posted... soon?  I am trying so hard to keep up you guys... lol.  Zaiya has had a rough month because he's been very sick - ear infection, a cold/virus/something that caused his wheezing to get a lil' out of control... we thought we had it but then his fever went way up again this past Friday and here we are back on a stronger anti-biotic... that is causing all kinds of OTHER issues, and now he's wheezing again.  So, anyone who knows me even just a little bit knows how much of a crazy I am right now with worry.  I really do try not to, but it is impossible at the moment so you'll have to forgive me.  The good news is that he has been a MAJOR trooper and has been in pretty good spirits, considering.  He is still talking... just today he started saying "Teacher" which shocked me.... Marc told me he was saying it and I didn't believe him (lol) but then he said it almost clear as day!  I am so glad he loves his teachers at SFF!!  

We are really amazed as we watch him these days because he is so independent already.  He can get into his little rocking chair all on his own and rock back and forth, he rides his little giraffe car and can also get on that all by himself!  He is building with blocks and feeding himself and climbing the steps and running.... it's just amazing to watch.  He is very proud of his ability to say "NO!" now and makes the greatest "no" face there is.  It is SO hard not to laugh, even when he's telling ME no for things he HAS to do!!!  We are having so much fun... having a sick baby is not fun, but the extra time we have gotten to spend with him has been a wonderful silver lining...

These pics are from the 1 year session we took... at various times!  They are some of my favorites!  I hope you like them, I, quite obviously, love them --- just haven't had time to convert and upload and write!!

I have many more fun ones to share... I hope you enjoy these for now, and sorry they are so late!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Photowarmfuzzies :)

Have I mentioned how much I love my new job?  Well, I love it.  :)  There are so many reasons why I love it I really can't narrow down the reasons.  But here are a couple:  

1.  People are nice and genuine
2.  I can ACTUALLY be myself there
3.  People respect each other, genuinely!
4.  EVERYONE is nice!
5.  There's no drama
6.  There are perks out the wazooo!
7.  I have excellent benefits, currently providing health coverage for my entire family.  This is an  underestimated accomplishment in my life.  I am patting myself on the back as I type.  
8.  I think this is more than a couple, but just one more: it's not my previous job!!!!
9.  Okay ONE more... I get to learn photoshop... and play around while talking nonsense with customers lol :).  

Here is my showcase - Zaiya from about 2 months to 12 months.  These pictures make me smile and cry all at the same time.  I seriously cannot believe how big my little boy is.  I can't believe I have a little boy, a toddler...I still can't believe I am a mommy.  I am such a new and whole person since Zaiya came into my life - it is remarkable how much I was missing until he came along.  That may sound strange to some - but it makes total sense to me.  I've been through so much in my life (haven't we all?) - I am so glad that I pushed through all of it to get to this motherhood magic.  There is truly nothing like it - the love a child brings to the world is unparalleled and its healing and strengthening powers are unparalleled.  I am truly thankful for so many things in my life because of the perspective motherhood has given me.  

These photos are a few of my favorites - they stir up the warm fuzzies for sure.  I hope you like them *almost* as much as I do - I can't take credit for the first two - Zaiya is so lucky to have a wonderful and talented godmother who took these jewels!  I took the last two - they weren't much to start but with photoshop - they are a little magical.  I think so at least :).  Two of these were hand delivered to me today in the form of 10x10 gallery wrapped canvasses.  If you've never had a picture turned into canvas - let me sincerely highly recommend it.  It's a fabulous gift - my plan is to eventually have a wall of b&w 10x10s of my favorite Zaiya faces :).  I am so lucky to work at a company that will make this possible (lol)!  

Here's to being a mommy... the greatest gift in the world!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Flying Time

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted!  I have so many pictures to share I'm going to have to do this little by little!  I am so happy to have my new fancy dream camera - I have so many treasures to share from Zaiya's 1st year photo shoots with Mommy and Auntie Jen.  Those are to come... for now I had to post SOMETHING b/c my baby is turning 14 months old tomorrow and I'm in total denial.  He is more and more of a little boy and less of a baby every day - he is talking and running and figuring the world out at such a rapid pace!  We couldn't be more pleased with how well he is coming along - all of his teachers tell us how smart he is - always good to hear!  They say that when Zaiya is finished with his snack - instead of sitting at the table and crying so that someone will come and get him from the table - he just pushes his chair back and gets right up himself.  And if he can't push the chair back - he just dives off the side of the chair and crawls out!  :)  No crying for help for my baby lol!  

We recently started Zaiya at a new daycare - a big step for the little guy that came sooner than we'd hoped but we are thrilled with the new place!  It is a Spanish immersion program - so Zaiya spends his days habla espaƱol!   It is wonderful that he is learning a 2nd language so young - I mean he's got to catch up with his daddy and this is a good start!  The school is small and cozy and seems to truly embrace diversity which is something that is clearly very important to Marc and I.  We are attending our first International Festival hosted by the school next Friday - we are so excited to be a part of this community of like-minded folks!  


I didn't bribe him, he is too young for that.  Is this picture too much or what?  I can't take it.  He's posing.  With a swiffer vac - probably his favorite toy in the house!

Zaiya got a new toy (a belated bday gift from mommy)!  He loves this wagon that is almost as big as he is!  I love watching him put the blocks together!  He has the cutest "concentrating" face!  :)  I got a kick out of these PJ's too (also a bday gift from mommy) b/c he looks so adorable in them!

This is pretty much the way it goes around our house these days --- Zaiya gets into something he knows he's not supposed to be into - then looks back at Mommy or Daddy waiting for an official "no touch" and running and giggling right back toward the "no touch" object after giving hugs to the one who said "no" first.  It's a good strategy he's got going, really.  ;)

Zaiya seems to have a thing for shoes/feet.  Lol... he has discovered that he can put his shoes on himself. Even his teachers have told me how incredible it is that he can spend 10 minutes just trying to put his shoes on at school - b/c he's so fascinated and satisfied with this task.  I'm not sure if you all remember the previous blog where he was laughing hysterically at his feet the first time he ever wore shoes?  It's pretty hilarious.  He loves toes, socks, shoes, and all things feet in general.  It's hilarious to watch!

More to come...