Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidaze!

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."  - Nelson Mandela

When this year started, I knew it would be epic.  I sometimes believe I have a sixth sense about these things, haha, but that may be part of my happy crazy :).  I remember writing about our health issues we overcame in 2012, and dedicating 2013 to health and growth and positivity.  Ironically, very early in the year, intense sadness descended on our lives.  I questioned everything - but at the same time, for the first time in my life, perhaps, I addressed everything with an open heart and a determination that may not be recognizable to some of you who know me.  I explored new parts of myself, realized that life isn't as simple or as complicated as I perceive it to be, and grew more than I ever imagined I would.  I have many friends to thank for this journey, and I also have my wonderful family to thank as well.  Families are something truly special - and blood is irrelevant to this statement.  Those of you who have become family to me this year know who you are - and those of you who are family also know the impact you've had on my life.  If you don't, let me tell you - I wouldn't have made it through this year without each and every one of you.

This was a year full of unexpected joys and pain... aren't they all?  I am going to concentrate on the joy, as I have decided this year is the key to life.  However, I can't say that without acknowledging and honoring the pain that led the amount of growth our family experienced this year.  I am thankful for it all.  I wouldn't go back and do it again, hahaaha, but I sure am thankful that I get to experience life at the pace I do. 

I am somewhat speechless about this year.  All I think our family can truly say is that we are thankful.  We are thankful to be together.  We are thankful for all of our friends - near and far - who came out of the woodworks to help us achieve the trip of a lifetime to Haiti.  I must say that without my friend, Sandy, and her compassionate heart and open mind, I may not have had the courage to make the decision to go to Haiti.  I would not have had the strength to believe in myself if not for my sister, Kristen.  I am so thankful for our relationship - for the companionship that our kids share and for the support that we provide one another. 

I intended for this to be an update of our lives - but you all pretty much know what's happened.  Zaiya turned 3, which we can hardly believe.  He is brilliant, of course ;), and is destined for gifted programs all over the world.  Marc thinks that he's destined to be President.  I mean, his name is "Zaiya Barack" and now he is fully aware that his name is after Barack Obama.  Every time he sees an American flag he says with amazing enthusiasm, "Mamma!  It's the Obama FLAG!"  Obviously, we love that.  ;).  We truly have to say that we are thankful for Barack's re-election and for the comfort and security it has brought to us.

Lourdi turned 25 and continues to live and love New York.  We certainly wish she was closer, and having her here so much this year, especially after a 2 week vacation with her, has been incredible.  Her presence fills our house with joy as only a high fashion, hilarious and confident 25 year old can!  We are so proud of her and so thankful for her presence in our lives.  It has truly been the best gift in the world to have had time to be with her as much as we have in these last two months.  As I write this, Marc and Lourdi are talking about our trip to Haiti and our ultimate aspirations of returning there as a family.  They are discussing the way things were when Lourdi was little, when Marc was little, growing up in this beautiful land.  It's incredible to listen to.  I could tell you what they are discussing, but there are truly no words to explain it.  It is a world I experienced just a glimpse of in our two week visit in November.  I am well aware that what I experienced was a fascinating snapshot.  I have always loved all things different than myself, so the fascination took over and I was amazed, dumbfounded, grateful, and insanely comfortable.

On the other hand, there was immense sadness and overwhelming pondering on how things could be made better, right, in this wonderful country.  It doesn't seem fair or just that people should live with so little... and you believe that until you meet them and interact with them and see the joy and gratitude with which they live their lives.  I have had no time to get my photos from Haiti off the Nikon and edit them.  I will do that soon... for now I leave you with these videos from our trip, and I have to say in many ways for many reasons, they do sum up our year.  All the sadness, all the realization, all the joy, all the gratitude.  Enjoy...


 I leave you with my favorite picture from Haiti, and from this year.  I wish I could bottle all that happiness and drink it all year... and maybe we can all figure out a way to do that in our own way.  May 2014 continue the humbleness and grateful inspiration we received from Marc and Lourdi's home.

We love you all, Happy Holidays - and please pause and be mindful of what you have this year.  Make it a goal to be so thankful for it all that you are overwhelmed.  A few things to remember that we often take for granted:  the air you breathe, the car that takes you to work, the carseat that keeps your child safe, the water that runs from your faucets, the ability to change temperature in your house as it makes you comfortable, the ability to search for a job if you don't have one, access to clean and running water 24/7, and most of all, time with your friends and family.  May 2014 bring you gratitude and mindful time.

The Obas Family

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